Sunday, April 01, 2007

Work done, what next?

Guess what happened! On Friday I officially stopped working. From Monday I am just a regular student who should focus 24 hours on her studies. LOL that's not me, even if I am not employed anymore. Anyhow, it was very strange going home on Friday, because this was my almost daily routine since last July. I like these moments, when you can stop for a while and think over what has happened to you in the past months. Quite a lot I would say. I was there since I am back from the Netherlands, that is exactly the time when I started this blog.
What has changed? Well, I am off my duties with CEMS, I survived and succeeded in completing the semester while working in parallel (also in exam period). I tried to learn as much I could at work, which appeared to be so very interesting and useful!!! I got a job in the meanwhile which I really really wanted, and which I am going to take from September. I have good prospects of finishing school this July. (really hoping for that!!!) I even did a german language exam which now makes me eligible for graduation. I went to Ireland, and spent splendid two weeks there. I went to Vienna last weekend for reunion with all the CEMS friends from my exchange. (we'll get back to that :) Finally, my personal life has turned 180 degrees twice in these couple of months. All is about how you find your balance and harmony and how you manage to become the person you really are and let people be able learning you in this way. Even though I wouldn't say I am in a very balanced mood these days, somehow I still feel something, that I am on a good track. Probably my instincts. So far in critical moments they have always helped me out. (the curse of being too rational I guess....)
The point is, that I am just about to carve these days into my memory and remember it. So, again a stage closed, but here comes the next! :)
So last week was Vienna reunion. A BLAST. As always when we get together. The memories were perfect, and all of us felt as nothing would have changed, and we are still in fall 05, hanging around and going out together as we always did. Great, really great. I can't even describe why this community is so special, but the very cool thing about it is that there are quite a couple of people who all equally feel the need of keeping in touch and get together, and deepen our friendship. This is unique. I guess our exchange was just the best. :) really the best.
Raphi, we can't thank enough for your hospitality, we had lots of fun!!! Philipp, thank you for the Jugendstil tour, always great to discover a place where I have never been. (even though I thought that slowly I would be a Vienna native LOL) And thank you for all the other guys, memorable times we had!
Next reunion in the pipeline: Summer in Lindau at Marco's.....under preparation, details will follow...
A piece of the Jugendstil tour: decoration of the Otto Wagner church.

Las chicas before the party: Raphi, Yudenia, Line, Kirsi, Juli

Sunday morning walk in beautiful spring weather - heading for the delicious brunch at cafe Rochus.

Sunday afternoon walk after the brunch, visited good old Johann: Juli, Line, Kirsi, Philipp, Gerwin, David, Josef, Yudenia, Hubert
Alright guys, enough for now, should get back to my fantastic homework for my even more fantastic taxation course....... bleh.....
(aka Starkova)


At 4/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A munka sosem marad abba, mindig meg fog találni. (Bár nem tudom, hogy ez jó hír-e.)

A másik meg, hogy úgysem lehet túl racionális, ha az ember a saját sorsáról dönt az ilyen helyzetekben. Aztán ha már tudja, mit szeretne, akkor persze célszerű racionálisnak lenni.

(Vagy kifejezetten és szó szerint létfontosságú, életmódtól függ.)


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