Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Thoughts on my one-day trip to Vienna

On Saturday I was very excited that I was going to Vienna, although sadly I couldn't make it too long, so it was just a short day trip.

The main purpose I was going for was of CEMS matters, but I took this opportunity to meet up with some friends there. Due to the short stay I didn't even register for the Knowledge Forum, which I still regret, it is a great event of high standards, and last year it was real fun to attend.

Damn that was an early wake... I can't even remember when I had to get up so early to catch the train leaving at 6 am... that meant I was already in Vienna at 9!!

Was very nice to arrive at Westbahnhof... didn't feel strange at all, I felt it was the most natural thing ever, and then take the U-Bahn straight to university. Suddenly I felt how much I miss the good old Vienna times. It is so good that one has special memories to cherish which always pops back whenever you want.

This is why I started counting back the days to Dublin. PEOPLE I MISS YOU!!!! So good to know that we'll see each other soon!
Saturday I saw a couple of people, Babsi, Martina, Gerwin, Hubert, Philip, Alex, even Raphi for a few seconds.
I also met a couple of friends from Hungary, that's always fun to bump into people you know where you don't expect, right Viki? Was very nice to have a thorough talk back on the train, was a long time we could do that.

Had dinner with Gerwin and Patrick, that was very very cool guys! Love to kill time with you, I always laugh a lot, you are so much fun company, miss you a lot! So good that we are so close, but should make more use of it! (This was a very weak attempt to subtly draw your attention to the opportunity to visit Budapest and me of course:) )

I love Vienna, somehow I felt as if I only took a subway or a tram and was already there, and that it is a part of Budapest. Too bad that they drink cappuccino with Schlagobers!!!! :)))


András csekkold a linkeket! :)


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csak el akartam dicsekedni milyen fantasztikusan ügyes vagyok h a segítséged nélkül is sikerült a linkeket személyreszabjam...az egyetemen látogatott hihetetlenül magas színvonalú internet kurzus megtanított egy két alap html fogásra, így az "a href" tag ismerős volt. :)
remélem büszke vagy rám!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Many thanks to András!

Köszönöm András az észrevételed, ezentúl már csakis a szürke fejlécet fogom használni, mert nagyon dögös, és igazán megy a blog templatehez!! Ha lesz türelmem a linkek megszerkesztéséhez akkor azt is megteszem majd :)
thx még1x
