Spring coming!!!
Today was definitely the first day of spring.Had to hunt for a wedding present.. (Zsófi remélem nem olvasod el szombat előtt :-) ) so I dressed up, took only a small jacket, sunglasses, music on the ipod and off I went....
Today I felt so free, so happy just enjoying the weather around me and even forgot about everyday problems.... I LOVE SPRING!!!!
Makes you forget the winter grey and dark....
and diverts your thoughts from what you should focus on...
OR it makes you forget the winter grey and dark
AND the weak but fresh touch of the sun fills you with energy to be able to focus on what you should do.
For me it is the latter. Today I felt so incredibly fresh!!!!
Even though I had a hard week. Very hard. Let the reason for it remain for my own, but let that be enough that I made a big and awfully difficult decision. I am still to recover, don't want to talk about it.
What else? I went on a 2 day ski trip to Mariazell (AUT) with my collegues, corporate fun :) even got paid for it!!! Was very cool, even that there was hardly any snow, and the non-skiers like me were practically disabled and were not able to do anything alse just sit in the Hütte and drink Glühwein as much as we could.....anyhow, the party was 'fantastic', we had the whole place for ourselves, the DJ even played Hungarian songs (which we didn't ask for......) and the girl with the pink hair over the counter just kept on serving us with bacardi colas....
Wow that day was incredible.... can you imagine that Erika and me are called 'Miss Tequila' since then???
Well well, 3 weeks left for me at KPMG. Sad about leaving, I loved (and still love) to be there. The work was cool, very interesting, could learn a lot; people are also very nice, what else could one hope for?
I have my own way to start in September, but let's leave that topic for later.....
Next Saturday is Zsófi's wedding, hopefully the weather would be just as nice as today!!!!!!
AND it's gonna be 4 day weekend :-))))
hey, we had a 6 day week this week, so we deserve it ;-)
For closing a part of a poem from Árpád Tóth:
A ritkás ágak zöldjén átveti
A messzi nap a sűrű sugarat,
Mint végtelen aranysodronyt, egy égi
Vezeték dús hálózatát s a fák
Zsonganak, mint sínmenti nyurga póznák,
Ha rajtuk szárnyas, forró hír repűl:
A földnek a Tavasz telefonál...
És reszket a liget, mint zsenge szűzlány,
Feszűl ezer kis lombkeble keményen,
S a város, ez a bús, tüdőbeteg
Gyári munkás is mozdúl: karjait,
A vézna gyárkéményeket kinyújtja,
Beszippantja a távol illatot,
És mámoros, gyulladt dalokba kezd.
Óh gyúlt világ! óh drága március!
Rügyek, szerelmek, forradalmak
Évadja -, a villámló ablakokban
Celzius-létráját riadva kússza
Az izgatott, rab higany-szál: a vén
Hűlő világnak ujra láza van;
Trilláz a fényben reszkető magas
Tűzfalak közt, mint furcsa és kemény
Rigóhang, egy inas-száj szurtos füttye,
Rigóhang, egy inas-száj szurtos füttye,
S rekedt autótülök, biciklicsengés,
Sikoltó sín, trappos paták alatt
Az utcakő gránit feleselése,
Harang, rikkancsok, anda zongorák
Skálája a politúros homályból
S az emberi lélegzés halk zenéje
Szédülten szaporázza ritmusát...
bis bald guys,