Pride and Prejudice fever
My good friend Bea always teased me with the TV series once broadcast on BBC. THAT IS THE REAL THING, she said. I didn't know she was right until yesterday. We organized a P&P marathon at my new place, well prepared for the 6 hour dose of Mr Perfect Man as known as Mr Darcy.
I am now infected.
I was always fond of this book and the story, and Mr Darcy was somehow the subconscious model of how I imagine THE MAN. We were discussing whether we are now totally knocked out of reality by having this image, we may wait forever for our Mr Darcys, because they are non existing. But then why did Colin Firth have to form his role soooo perfectly and irresistibly??? Funny that we can be seduced by a piece of celluloid. (alright, DVD is plastic) Moreover, we bethink ourselves that maybe this would be the ONLY way of being seduced.... hopefully not!!! However if guys continue this tendecy of the recent past....well these are still only ifs. Just think about it, how many of them has the guts to step up and tell his true feelings and moreover would still fight and not let go even if the initials were laid in a less desireable way AND is attracted to a woman who has an opinion about everything and doesn't fear of telling them. Not much of these exist I am afraid.
These lines should not lead you to misunderstand me, I am far from being discontent with my present state of being. (And even further from saying that all men are ***holes) I do think about things, that's all. And I try to start every new episode on a perfectly blank paper, without warning sticky notes at the side.
Don't know how it works for others, but being dream oriented and a bit irreal in my imagination makes me a lot more realistic and sharp on my toes in the real world.
Like my new quotation says: "True friends are those who really know you but love you anyways." This also goes for partners as well, or at least it should.
Vacation No.1-2 Düsseldorf/The Hague and Lake Balaton
After all the relief of graduation suddenly I became to possess free time 24/7. Wow. I have to get the most out of it, the reason is that probably these are the last two careless months of my life before it takes a turn to arrive at another step of it.
In the end of July I therefore decided to take some days off and leave the country for a couple of days in order to visit some very good friends of mine.
Chris has been in Düsseldorf since March, and Mariann only from the beginning of July; both are doing internship with Henkel. Hmm yes, if you say Düsseldorf that almost equals Henkel. At least if you have most acquaintances within CEMS. However, there is life outside the detergent giant I must say.
In my perception Düsseldorf is a pretty agreeable city, modern though but cosy enough and has a brilliant atmosphere for young and motivated career seeking CEMSies (or alike). Reason why I am saying for the young, that apart from nightlife you would be rather dissappointed about the less vivid cultural life as one could be used to after living in Budapest and Vienna (and even Delft). In return, nightlife is vivid!!
The social aspects I guess are needless to go into detail, I have spend wonderful time with Chris and Mariann, was great to see them after such a long time. Really funny that it was Chris last year visiting me and now the other way round. Even ate popcorn together again, this time we had the opportunity to choose between the salty and the sugary edition, so finally actually consumed it while watching the movie. (For the ones who might ask which type we chose: the salty without doubt!!!!) All this after a fine sushi dinner. Culinary vice, I know! Too bad that I like too many things, and of course like to have them all at once. But hey, why am I talking in singular? This of course all goes for the others too :))
Then, on the weekend we set off for paying a short visit in The Hague. Our friend Kriszti was about to start her internship at the same place where I pursued similar activities last summer. (fyi: see other blog page to refresh your memories!!!)
We were just cruising aroung the cosy and familiar city of Den Haag/s'Gravenhage as you like , and with the girls we concluded a universal statement after visiting some pubs. This statement says that in Holland even the waiter guys look like models, very good looking! We wondered about importing them to Hungary as first pioneers to help the abominable situation here. Of course this is still in the idea format, but sounds nice, doesn't it?
The evening was super, as Ilja (reference is again the above mentioned blog)and his fiancé Anna also joined us for a couple of drinks. Ilja is not only my former boss, or should I say mentor from my internship, but I consider him as good friend. They both are very pleasant company to talk to. Indeed nice birthday for me. Next day all our desire was to go SHOPPING!! Poor Chris, left alone with 3 girls eager to go into all stupid shops and looking at all similar stuff for hours... come on he cannot complain, we also went with him patiently and in the end everybody got something nice, and we could even squeeze a pause to have a stroopwafel (the delicious dutch desert). Success!!
The night spent at Kriszti's was especially funny. We were sleeping four of us in her double bed (no, it was more a 1,5) like in a sardine tin. That was one. Then we wanted to sneak all the time and try to look less than 4 people, as it was Kriszti's first night spent there with this family and it was a bit awkward that she instantly brought 3 guests. Of course we ought to have failed in this, but the whole situation was so grotesque and entertaining at once. Not to mention one of the cats who was soooo fat that she couldn't even move, she was just laying on a cushion and serving as a decoration item.
So this was the trip. So much fun and so much time to think about my life, both professional and private (which somehow seems a lot more difficult to handle for me, sometimes I wonder if I can handle it at all). I could consider many things while seeing the cities Düsseldorf and Köln while Chris and Mariann were working. That I needed very much. I know maybe this sounds stupid that I needed to go that far to be able to do this, but somehow it felt like.
Anyway I was glad to be back home.
Glad, because a new apartment and 2 weeks of Lake Balaton were waiting for me!!! Was nice to be with my parents for some time. We hardly had any urgent business there(ok I only speak for myself:)) so life was easy and relaxing. I think I recharged my batteries! Even my grandparents came for a couple of days!!! Now that was just great! I love them! Grandpa's humour cannot compared to anything existing and is surely irreplaceable! Grandma, mum and I we were three in the kitchen, imagine that!!! The guys were really spoiled!
I could even come back to Budapest for a couple of days which I used for visiting the Sziget festival, which was great as usual! I usually go for the Sziget feeling and not particularly any concert, although Faithless was cool!!
So this is it, now I am back to Budapest but again preparing for something new, and again it contains some traveling!!
bis bald